Friday, September 4, 2009

Good Friends Are Hard to Come By

So, i went on and on in a previous blog about Eric's friend of 20+ years that has screwed everyone over, but he still wants to be friends with him. Well, I guess that's biting me in the ass.

I just got a facebook message from a "friend" that pretty much used me for money. After about a year and a half, she has decided to apologize and wants to repair our friendship. I am not sure how I feel about this. There was a time when we spent every moment together. We had a lot of fun and had a lot in common. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of loaning her money. I mean, the occassional 20 dollar loan was no big deal, picking up a tab at the bar, or grabbing dinner for her. BUt it seemed to happen A LOT!! And then, when she is in dire straights and had no money, but really needed to get into an apartment, I came to the rescue! With the promise of pay back with her income tax refund. Of course, that never happens, but I continue to listen to her excuses. After her tax refund was spent, she decides to pay me out of the stimulus check. I never saw a penny. There was always an excuse. But, I was always understanding because I had been there and knew what it was like to not have money when i needed it. Of course, I was also in my teens and early 20's, not my 30's. So, now I am at a loss. IS there a chance that she has grown up and truly does want to repair our friendship, or is this a ploy because she has pissed everyone else off because she now owes them money????

And, for the record, Eric doesn't like her. So we are running neck and neck on this friend issue....

I'll tell you, good friends are hard to come by. So, when you have them, cherish them....
So, Labor Day weekend is coming up. I vow not to think about any of this. I will spend my long weekend enjoying good friends, good food, and GREAT FUN!!!

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