When you are up, your friends know who you are. When you are down, you know who your friends are..... Rev Run
Margot loves to call Monica Rev Run when she sends her little inspirational quotes by text. I especially liked this one because it is very true.
Margot and Monica (aka The Twins) have been a couple of my best friends from high school and on. They are true girlfriends that you can rely on and you know they will be there for you, no matter what the case.
A couple weeks ago, Margot was involved in a bad car accident and sustained some pretty life altering injuries. She has physical injuries to her face which will heal up nicely, but also took a good blow to her head which will heal up with work over time. She is so lucky and we know that without God watching over her, she probably wouldn't be with us today:
What I've learned through all of this:
1. Prayer works.
2. God has a purpose in everything he does.
3. Family and true friends are a huge part of the recovery process.
4. A head injury can make you say just about anything....
It's funny, Margot and Monica were not brought up in church as I was. They were never taught the bible or prayer. I'm not sure if either one of them has ever been saved. From day one of the accident I have seen a faith in Monica that I never knew existed and i wonder if she herself knew it was there? There were prayers being said for Margot around the world and it is comforting to hear Monica say the "prayers are working, keep them up!"
Margot has always been the wild one. Monica has always been the caretaker. So, things are as they should be there. It seemed as though Monica and Margot were beginning to grow apart over the last few years. It used to be The Twins were like one friend, but as we got older they were two seperate people, each looking to do and be their own person. Don't get me wrong, I loved this part of them. But I wondered what had happened their bond. Well, the bond is back. Monica has been the BEST sister ever through all of this. She is there for Margot through everything and will not let her sister fail at recovery. She has taken on the role of sister, nurse, a part time fill in mom for Riley, all the while keeping all of us informed on what is going on and how Margot is doing. I honestly don't know how she does it. It amazes me daily, as does Margot and her recovery.
This may get a bit rambly, but it's been a long few weeks.
I visited Margot last weekend and she looks great. Her face is healing and her eye is sooo much better. She is still not completely herself yet, but I can definitely see bits and pieces of her in there. I know that when she is recovered she will only be a better Margot. She constantly repeats that she doesn't remember the accident or the hospital, what a blessing! She has no idea how bad things were. I can tell she is anxious about her hand healing well enough to play the guitar again, I can only see her strumming away in the near future. She seems a bit agitated and edgy at all times, but I think "how would I feel if I had no idea what happened to me and no one would leave me alone anymore?" I'd be downright angry. She wants her independence and that is completely ALL MARGOT!! Leave her alone, let her drive, etc. She will be doing all this again, no doubt. It'll just take a little time and a lot of work. And also a little petting from Monica... :-)
I love these girls. I love knowing that no matter what happens, they will always be there for each other. It has restored my faith in the bond that sisterhood holds. I know that had the situation been reversed, Margot would be right there with Monica taking care of things
So, I'll quit the rambling now and end this thing with this.....
Remeber who loves you, who takes care of you, who picks you up when you fall and carries you. These are the people that you should surround yourself with. Never take it for granted, for it can be taken from you so quickly!
Margot loves to call Monica Rev Run when she sends her little inspirational quotes by text. I especially liked this one because it is very true.
Margot and Monica (aka The Twins) have been a couple of my best friends from high school and on. They are true girlfriends that you can rely on and you know they will be there for you, no matter what the case.
A couple weeks ago, Margot was involved in a bad car accident and sustained some pretty life altering injuries. She has physical injuries to her face which will heal up nicely, but also took a good blow to her head which will heal up with work over time. She is so lucky and we know that without God watching over her, she probably wouldn't be with us today:
What I've learned through all of this:
1. Prayer works.
2. God has a purpose in everything he does.
3. Family and true friends are a huge part of the recovery process.
4. A head injury can make you say just about anything....
It's funny, Margot and Monica were not brought up in church as I was. They were never taught the bible or prayer. I'm not sure if either one of them has ever been saved. From day one of the accident I have seen a faith in Monica that I never knew existed and i wonder if she herself knew it was there? There were prayers being said for Margot around the world and it is comforting to hear Monica say the "prayers are working, keep them up!"
Margot has always been the wild one. Monica has always been the caretaker. So, things are as they should be there. It seemed as though Monica and Margot were beginning to grow apart over the last few years. It used to be The Twins were like one friend, but as we got older they were two seperate people, each looking to do and be their own person. Don't get me wrong, I loved this part of them. But I wondered what had happened their bond. Well, the bond is back. Monica has been the BEST sister ever through all of this. She is there for Margot through everything and will not let her sister fail at recovery. She has taken on the role of sister, nurse, a part time fill in mom for Riley, all the while keeping all of us informed on what is going on and how Margot is doing. I honestly don't know how she does it. It amazes me daily, as does Margot and her recovery.
This may get a bit rambly, but it's been a long few weeks.
I visited Margot last weekend and she looks great. Her face is healing and her eye is sooo much better. She is still not completely herself yet, but I can definitely see bits and pieces of her in there. I know that when she is recovered she will only be a better Margot. She constantly repeats that she doesn't remember the accident or the hospital, what a blessing! She has no idea how bad things were. I can tell she is anxious about her hand healing well enough to play the guitar again, I can only see her strumming away in the near future. She seems a bit agitated and edgy at all times, but I think "how would I feel if I had no idea what happened to me and no one would leave me alone anymore?" I'd be downright angry. She wants her independence and that is completely ALL MARGOT!! Leave her alone, let her drive, etc. She will be doing all this again, no doubt. It'll just take a little time and a lot of work. And also a little petting from Monica... :-)
I love these girls. I love knowing that no matter what happens, they will always be there for each other. It has restored my faith in the bond that sisterhood holds. I know that had the situation been reversed, Margot would be right there with Monica taking care of things
So, I'll quit the rambling now and end this thing with this.....
Remeber who loves you, who takes care of you, who picks you up when you fall and carries you. These are the people that you should surround yourself with. Never take it for granted, for it can be taken from you so quickly!
Oh my - how beautifully said! You are truly a wonderful friend and support to the "TWINS"
ReplyDeleteCompletely the unselfish Jill I know and love!
So good to hear how much progress she is making!
ReplyDeleteWOW...that was beautiful and touching... made me cry!