My experience baking cookies from scratch is certainly something to write about, because I WILL NEVER DO IT AGAIN!!! I see no reason to go to this much trouble, when I can buy the little tube of cookie dough and spoon it out onto a cookie sheet, bake, and get rave reviews!!!
I needed to bring something to work for a birthday party. I just recently went through some of my mom's recipes and pulled out a recipe for "Mrs. Field's Cookies." It didn't seem too hard so I decided on Sunday I would make those. It took like every bowl I had in the kitchen, a blender (in place of the food processor), baking pan, mixer, and tons of space!! I think I spent more time cleaning up, than actually baking. NO, I take that back. Grating 8 oz of hershey bars took the longest. Have you ever tried to grate chocolate? as you start on a piece, you think it's pretty easy and then your chocolate melts right where you are holding onto it and breaks. WTH???? How exactly are you supposed to do this? The whole time I am trying to do this, I am getting texts from people that are coming over for dinner. Can't very well text when your fingers are covered in chocolate. Here comes Griffin to save the day. Lucky for me, he knows as much about the iphone as I do and quickly texts back as me!!! So 2 hours after I start the process, i think i finally have a dough. All that's left is to mix in the chocolate chips. This in itself, is not an easy process. Imagine stirring cookie dough. It's not stirrable. It's plow into it with your hands to get it all mixed in. I am not sure what that is called. So, after all this, I am finally able to start the actual baking process. Not too bad, except this recipe must have made 6 doz cookies. What? My sister did not write this on the recipe card when she jotted it down. I think i opened and closed the oven 30 times taking cookies out and putting new ones in.
And, I finally finished, 3.75 hours later. I truly thought I had accomplished something. Right up until Eric tasted one and asked me "what's in this?", "is there coconut in this?" NOOOOO! There was no coconut, only very finely grated chocolate that I spent hours grating. If there was coconut, it would have been bought already shredded!!! Besides, as someone who loves me, you should just eat and tell me how great they are after I spent that long on them. After a shower to clean myself up after slaving away, I tasted one and thought they were pretty good, but I think I prefer Tollhouse slice and bakes. Fortunately, John shows up, heads straight to the cookies cooling on the table and cames out still chewing and calmly staes, "these cookies rock!" Thank God for John!!! He has restored my faith in my baking.
But, I will never do that again. Unless John asks me, because he rocks for saying the right thing!!
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