Like instead of a brag book, I am assuming there is a brag blog. This is my first and I want to introduce you to my new baby girl.
Meet Polly Belle Roberts. She joined all of us here in this world on August 24,2010. Isn't she beautiful? It was definitely a blessed day.
August 24 started very early for some of us, but Polly was nice and relaxed through the early hours. I was induced because of trouble with my blood pressure which means we had to be at the hospital at 6:30 am. By "we", I am referring to myself and Polly along with my cheering section including my mom, aka Nana, my sister, aka Aunt Amy, my Dad, aka Coach, and my Uncle Johnny who will also be known as Pop Pop. Sadly, my aunt Patti -Nana P - wasn't able to join us til later, but she was there for the important part.
Lucky for you, Amy decided to document the day in pics. Lets start at the beginning.
Several hours later and a couple bags of pitocin....
So, after checking several hours later, Dr. S determines that Polly is not coming out by way of normal delivery and my blood pressure and her heart rate are not cooperating. She decides on a c-section and 20 minutes later I am strapped to a table in an operating room. It was surreal how quickly it all went!
Mom/Nana went in with me and took pics, but i'll just leave you with the pretty ones....
And here she is, about 15 minutes after rolling me in there, little Polly was here. Our first glimpse above, first as the sweet nurse held her up for mom to take pictures, and then as mom held her so I could look at her (my arms were strapped down, so i couldn't hold her).
She was 6lbs 1 oz and 17 1/2 in long with a head full of beauiful dark hair!!
And then she made it safely back into her mother's arms, and all was right in her world again. And mine....