Meaning, my life and the new one on the way. Meet Polly Belle Roberts, the newest member of the family. She'll debut in about 6 weeks.
This is the latest ultrasound picture at 33 weeks (thanks to Auntie Amy for the labels so you can tell what you are looking at).
It's been a long time since I blogged, but for good reason. I have been so busy growing this new life! It has required quite a bit of rest anytime I am not working. And work these days is until 8pm every night, so you can imagine the exhaustion.
I am looking forward to her September arrival and cannot wait to meet her and squeeze her chubbly little cheeks! I hope I am ready for this. I have tons of family and friends surrounding me, but it won't be easy being a single parent. I have great examples to look towards though! And I am sure these people will offer up plenty of advice.
Hopefully I will be able to update again once she is here and add additional pictures that are actually somewhat clear! If not, most of you know where to find me....
So, I'll leave you now in anticipation of her arrival....