Sometimes I forget to be grateful for what I have, where I live, all the people that are in my life. I take these things for granted and my problems seem huge to me. Then you see something like the earthquake in Haiti and it sort of puts things in perspective.
First and foremost, if you are an AT&T wireless customer, it has been confirmed ny AT&T that you can text 90999 and make a 10.00 donation for Haiti through the Red Cross - keyword is Haiti. I've done it myself, so I can confirm it along with AT&T. So if you can spare it, make a donation to these people who are suffering.
I am so grateful to have a wonderful family and friends who have been so supportive recently through the hard time I am having. Just knowing how much you have had to endure by listening to me cry and complain over and over, lets me know that you do love me.
I am grateful to have a job in Beaumont. It may include changes that I am not going to be happy about, but it is a job and it pays me well.
I am grateful to have a wonderful hairdresser/friend that made me feel like a new person last night. Not only by making me a brunette, but by her constant words of encouragment!
I am grateful that my sister gave me this wonderful idea of listing what I am grateful for to take my mind off of things.
And most of all, I am grateful that I have an all powerful God that works miracles through his instruments.
You should try remebering what you have to be thankful for when you are feeling down. It really does help.