Thursday, December 31, 2009

As we enter into 2010....

I'd like to take a moment to look back at 2009 and remember some of the highlights...
~ I spent my first New Years away from the Pacesetter, LOL!! If you know me well, this is a BIG DEAL!!!
~ I spent my first Valentine's day with Eric... We made heart shaped cupcakes together....awww!
~ My job function at work changed and no more incoming customer calls, and best of all, no more Saturdays!!!
~ I saw one of Eric's cats have 3 litters of kittens, back to back.... NO, I am not kidding. FYI, she has been fixed now....
~ Eric and I made our first real trip together to Georgia to see his brother get married. I loved Georgia! I could totally see myself living there.
~ I survived my first contract renewal with AT&T and we never went on strike! Thank God!
~ oh, and we must not forget the historical inauguration of out first African American president, Barack Obama. I honestly think this is what he will be known for. This, and his wife's style, and that is so important in history!
~ I roasted my first whole chicken... thanks Amy! I never would have done it without your pictures on the blog that left Eric's mouth watering...
~ I moved back into my own apartment... it's bittersweet
~ My original iPhone bit the dust. It was pretty devistating, LOL!! It got soaked in my pocket at the Winnie Rice Festival...
~ I think I gained 20 lbs from cooking... I guess not going to the gym sort of contributed too. I'd like to think that it's because i cook so good, though...
~ You can't have TV without cable anymore without a special little box. All those old tv's had to go. You are now being forced to go digital....
~ living with Eric has brought out all my arguing skillz.... That fallacy class at Baylor really paid off.
~ Speaking of Baylor, I paid off my final student loan.... WOOHOOOOOOOOO!!!
~ Watched my good friend Margot survive a horrific car accident and am still watching her as she bravely takes on the recovery process for her head injury. She has inspired me and everyone who loves her so much!!
~ Had Christmas with my mom, dad, Amy, Griffin, and Brian (Griff's dad). Seems like an awkward group, but it was actually really nice.
~There were so many others that i am sure I am leaving out!! Feel free to add them in comments ....
See you all next year!
2010 is going to be one hell of a year!!!!

Friday, December 18, 2009

JOY to the world

We have sunshine today!!! WOOOOOHOOOO!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Just call me Mr. Grinch....

There was a time in my life that I still depended on my mom to pay for my cell phone. I remember one day that she called and i didn't answer the phone. That was the day I received a message on my voicemail from her that simply stated, " if you do not intend to answer my calls, i do not intend to pay for the phone anymore." This one statement jumpstarted my journey into independence! At the time I was mad and thought I'd show her by getting my own cell phone, which I did, and promptly disconnected the one she was paying for. Since then I have been, for the most part, financially independent.

Now, I have this boyfiend who cannot seem to become financially independent and I am not sure why. Since his cell phone is on my account, would it be wrong to use the same statement once used by my mother? Since he only answers when he wants and has yet to give a dime toward the bill, I feel somewhat justified in doing so. I now know where my mother was coming from. Sometimes, when you love someone and want to see them do well, there are certain things you have to do that may hurt them, in order to help them.....

I don't know if it's the same since the relationships are somewhat different... I guess that's something to think on...

Friday, December 11, 2009

This is fun.....

The top 10 most romantic Christmas movies....

Slee-eep in Heavenly Peace

Last night was the first night that Gigi has slept all the way through the night in the new apartment. YAY!!!

It was a good night for both of us.....

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Baby, It's Cold Outside

So, I have decided to try and take part in the Christmas Carol title challenge. I am sure I'll miss lots of days, so don't expect too much!

In the picture to your left, you will see Eric (aka Baby, as in the title of the Christmas song) standing in the snow that is falling in Beaumont, Texas. Yes, that's right, we had a 30 minute snow flurry thing going on and we were in Kroger for the majority of it. Do you know WHY we were in Kroger? Because we needed fire wood and a bottle of wine so we could hang out by the fire and drink our wine while it snowed. This is how we Texans imagine all of you do it up north where it snows regularly. Fat lot of good that shopping trip did!! It quit snowing when we were on our way home....

So, what's new with me? Well, i am moved into my new apartment and I love it. I miss Eric, but I think Gigi misses him more :-(. She is having a hard time adjusting and is letting me know it by pouting and then barking through the night. Picture of Gigi pouting on my new couch in my new apartment with my B-EA-UTI-FUL Christmas tree that Eric and I decorated last night.

So, now that I've had snow, gotten into a new apartment, and FINALLY got my Christmas tree put up, I am really ready for the holidays!!!
And Amy - I jsut want to say that the whole Silent Night post is a one time freebie for you.....

Thursday, December 3, 2009

a few stitches away....

Yay! It's almost done. Just a few more beads to add and it'll be done and ready to frame. And then it'll be time to start the next one. So, basically, I am thankful to be close to being finished. Maybe I'll fit in a few stitches today while I am working.....

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Christmas music

I love Christmas music and with age I have learned to love those stations that play it nonstop from the day after Thanksgiving until Christmas Day. There is something about the peppy jingles that puts me in the Christmas/Shopping mood and the slower Christian melodies that reminds me of the true meaning of Christmas. And, you get it all on one radio station! This is what I am thankful for today!!

Check out this link to a Miley Cyrus version of Santa Claus is Comin to Town. It's one of my new favorites!

Merry Christmas!