Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Tentative Contract... woohoo!

Yay! We have a tentative contract negotiated. It's about time. This has been going on since April and I had almost forgotten about it!

CWA officers are headed to Austin as I write this. There, they will get more details on what is in the contract and will vote on whether or not to ratify it. From the few details I have seen, it doesn't look too bad. Of course, there will always be those people who will never be happy if they have to pay a dime for insurance, but it's not so bad. Besides, it gives us another year at $0 premiums.

Details to come....

Monday, October 12, 2009

Now showing in a theater near you.... maybe an all black one?

Friday, I got home from work early and had the pleasure of watching a little Oprah. These days, I am not really a fan of Oprah - seems like she's all about herself and less about the show now. That's beside the point though. Chris Rock was on the show that day promoting his new documentary, Good Hair. This is a movie about black women and what great lengths they go to to make their hair look good. What amused me about the Oprah show, was the older black women in the audience that were offended by this documentary about black women's hair, made by a black man. A woman actually said it would be ok if the movie was only shown in all black theaters. Are these really out there?? Even Chris Rock's face fell when she said that. She was actually offended that he was giving away black women's "hair secrets". These secrets being perms, weave, wigs, etc....
Come on. As a 33 (almost 34) year old woman, living in the year 2009, I already know all the things that black women do to their hair to make it look good. I also know that if I was black, I would do the same things to get good hair. As a white woman, i have decent hair. But not all white women do. We all do stuff to our hair to improve it, highlights, full color, perms, even extensions (also known as weave in the black community).
I just wonder if this woman would feel better about things if say, Adam Sandler, made a documentary about white women getting their hair done. It would not be nearly as exciting. The reason being, black women's hair goes through total transformation - this is what makes it so entertaining. It's like that show Extreme Makeover - it draws people in. Not to see how bad it was at first, but to see how it ends - how great it turns out!! It's not a bad thing and it certainly is not a racial thing.
Another woman in the audience closer to my age thought that this documentary would only give the white women in her office ammunition to make fun of her. Give me a break! I mean, give us white women some credit. We are not stupid about the things that you do to your hair and if you think that someone will start making jokes about your hair after seeing this, they are already making jokes about your hair now. That is a personal fault.
ok, I am almost done with this little rant. When is the world going to move past the black and white issue? There will always be stereotyping, we know that. But this is such a small thing that some people are getting way too worked up about. I mean it's only hair, for God's sake!! And it's Chris Rock. Everybody loves Chris Rock. I am going to sit my happy white butt down in the middle of that theater and see the movie this week. And when I laugh, I hope no one will be offended.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Better days ahead....

It's amazing how bad things can be one week, and the next week it seems like everything is going my way!!

Last week was horrible... no details on that.

This weekend started this week off great. Eric catered to me all weekend because I was feeling so bad with cramps (ugh!). On Saturday we went to the Rice Festival. Food was great, music was great, weather was not. It poured on us while we were there. The parking lot was like a muddy track with cars getting stuck everywhere! You did not want to be in that lot without 4 wheel drive! Meanwhile, our 4 wheel drive sat in our driveway because i blow dried my hair that night, ha! We laughed about it the whole way home. Now my car smells like sour mud.

On Monday, a former friend decided to be friendly to me. No, this does not mean we are friends. It merely proves my point that he is still laden with guilt for what he did to me and is trying desperately to make up for it. After work, I drug a cranky Eric to the new gym in Beaumont where we opened up a membership together!! This means we get to work out together. You see, I push him in some ways and now he'll have a chance to push me at the gym. It all comes out even in the end, right?

Today I actually conversed (by email) with a family member who hasn't really spoken to me in a while. It was good, I think. I am trying to look at it positively as a sort of step towards mending fences. I really miss having her in my life and things are awkward without her. I think she might beg to differ on that statement, but I am entitled to my own opinion.

The other really great thing that happened today, I talked to a realtor about the house sell. FINALLY!!! Things are moving in the right direction and I may not have to waste money on rent. I just might have a partner in all this, after all!!

And now I am here at work and we are out of work. Gotta love that! $25.00+ an hour to sit here and watch a movie on my iphone while I wait for 4:30....

All those horrible days last week, I am glad I was able to push through them. It was a tough few days and things happened that will change my relationship forever, but I am finally seeing that there are better days ahead ... :-)