Yesterday was one of those days that made me want to crawl into a hole and hide from the world. Ever have one of those? It seemed like I couldn't please anyone. Between fighting with my sister and my boyfriend all day, I am trying to do the right thing by a friend who lost a family member. It was like no matter what stance I took with either one of them, I got shot down. UGHHHH!! I hate those days.
Today though has been really good! It's weird how that can happen. It was like my whole outlook had changed after a good night of sleep. And then when I got to work, one of the people that bothers me most wasn't here today... YEA!!! Good start! On the down side, we found out my boss's (and friend) son was in the hospital fighting some pretty high fevers. But as a group in the office, we pooled our money and sent a balloon bouquet for him. It always feels good to try and cheer someone up. Now, I am actually working reports so I put on my Ipod and it feels like all of my favorite songs are coming on back to back!! (i have really good taste in music) I know, these are all songs I've picked so I like them all, but I do have favs! I guess good days mostly outnumber my bad ones so I should be thankful. Today I am just thankful to have one this good follow such a bad one like yesterday.
Cross your fingers I have many of these days to follow! Oh, and one other good thing, my BFF Brandi is going to be here from Alaska on Friday!!!! Can't wait!