Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Working on Christmas Eve

What kind of company makes people come to work on Christmas Eve? That would be the ginormous company of AT&T. This is where i work. Now, honestly, I work in an office that should only take intra-company calls but we end up with calls from customers all the time. Now, my question is, what kind of people actually call the phone company on Christmas Eve? Unless it is a repair issue.... And then, these people really expect that we'll get their petty problems fixed today. Whatever happened to OBSERVING a holiday????

I fault AT&T and all those crazies out there who are actually that concerned about their caller id and crap.....

That's alll I have to say about that.

Merry Christmas!!!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Getting started

ok, so i am starting this blog and here are my reasons why:

  1. I find other people's lives quite amusing and want to find the humor in my own. That is, if there is any....
  2. To resolve any questions people may have that they don't really want to ask. You just might find the answer in here....
  3. To improve my typing skills. They suck...
  4. And last, but not least, I am a little worn out with the whole myspace, facebook thing....
So, here we go. 

Today is the first day of my weekend.  If you work in a job where seniority rules, you'll understand my frustration with this. I work on Saturdays because I am stuck at the bottom of the seniority list. I have learned to deal with it because I LOVE my paycheck. The smile I have on my face on fridays is fake. I am really listening to all my coworkers leaving with "have a good weekend" chants and in my head I am shouting "screw you, I don't have a weekend." But they all tell me "I put in my time, now it's your turn.." whatever, most of them didn't ever work Saturdays because we haven't been open on Saturday's forever. I have put in 5 years of this Saturday crap. You know, it wouldn't be so bad if my day off was Monday, then i would at least have 2 days in a row. Nope, I got Tuesday as my day off!! .....Anyways, needless to say, this is my second to last Saturday to work before I start a new job function working Monday - Friday from 8-5. FINALLY!!!!!

So,moving on, from the time I got off work on Saturday at 5, until about 9 I Christmas shopped. I took my boyfriend to James Avery to pick something out for his mother. Can you believe he picked something out of the first case we looked in and within 5 minutes? What kind of shopping is that? Do you really only put that much thought into a gift for your mother??? I mean, come on! It wasn't even crowded. I ended up making him look around. And, wonder of wonders, we walked out with something totally different than that first item.

Makes me wonder what's wrapped in that box for me under the tree. Which brings me to my next subject. Why is it so challenging for some men to wrap a gift? On the day of our family Christmas party, I asked Eric (this is my boyfriend, for those of you who don't know. See, a question answered for some people who didn't want to ask) to wrap a couple white elephant gifts. I handed him 2 gift bags and some tissue paper. When I got out of the shower, I noticed he was actually wrapping the gift with the tissue paper. With scissors, tape, and all! I am not sure what he really thought the gift bags were for. After a good laugh, I stuck the tissue wrapped gifts in the GIFT bag. Moving on, I was wrapping gifts the other night and he decided to help...if you want to call it that. He started off by wrapping a box for me. A box the size of a shoebox took about 30 minutes to wrap. But, my favorite part was the exotic bow. View picture above because I couldn't get the picture below, which is where it would make more sense!! But, isn't it funny. It's elaborate and took sooo much time. I expected great things!!! And, of course, that's what I got since he did it all himself!

But, I will say that I have done the majority of the rest of the wrapping. 

Now, I am sitting here listening to Twisted Sister's version of The Twelve Days of Christmas as he downloads music for a Christmas CD. I am beginning to think we do have some humor in our life after all....